3562 Ridge Park Dr., Suite D-1, Fairlawn, OH 44333

Should I Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident?

Chiropractic & Physical Medicine in Akron, Ohio

Should I Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident?

medical attention

Should I Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident Even if I Don’t Think I’m Hurt?


Without question, there are several weighty medical, financial, legal, and emotional considerations at stake that require adequate attention immediately following an automobile accident. If you overlook any of these considerations after an accident, the mistake could be costly to your overall recovery and well-being for years to come.


Should I Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident?


It is prudent to be examined by a doctor or other qualified medical professional as soon as possible after you are involved in a car wreck. You should overcome the natural tendency to avoid going to a doctor or hospital and wanting to avoid the hassle and expense of seeking medical care. Don’t wait even a few days to evaluate how you feel after an auto accident before deciding to seek medical attention. The wait-and-see approach is not the best course of action.


Medical, legal, and Insurance Concerns Require Obtaining Prompt Medical Care


You may not experience pain for one or two days after the accident when back and neck pain is prone to appear and stiffness sets in. Also, a minor injury can worsen during the period following the crash if prompt medical attention is not sought.

Also, waiting too long to get a medical examination after an auto accident could severely harm your opportunity to acquire a fair amount of compensation. The validity of your legal claim may suffer from the delay in obtaining medical treatment. In addition, the other party can more easily argue there was an intervening cause for the pain or injury, or that the injury is fictitious because it was not bad enough to warrant medical attention for hours, days, or even longer. Most auto insurers will interpret a wait-and-see approach as an indication that the claimant has not truly been injured; insurers tend to assume that persons who are seriously hurt after a car accident will obtain the proper medical help immediately.


What Should a Person Involved in an Auto Accident Do for Medical Help?


If you believe there is any possibility you’ve been hurt as a result of a crash, get prompt medical attention. Accept medical treatment at the scene of the accident when it is offered. Ask to be transported to the emergency room, and accept whatever treatment is offered at the scene. It is best to let the emergency room professionals ascertain the severity of injuries and the proper course of treatment. Beyond that, keep follow-up appointments with doctors, including specialists, if required.


As seen on attorneys.com



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